How many Salesforce projects should you be working on at the same time?
As a consultant, and especially when you’re good enough, you’ll be in demand. Whether you work in an agency or are a freelancer, the option to work on simultaneous projects is available.
The key is knowing how many is ideal.
If you have a huge project with a large client, it’s probably better for you to focus on that one client. Your brain will be focused on what needs to be done and not get distracted by other clients knocking on your door.
On the other side of the spectrum, if you’re working on 5 or more projects, you probably won’t have much brain power available for any one client. Thoughts are more likely to bounce between clients, and focusing on one for a long period of time will be challenging. And just imagine if a couple of clients urgently need you at the same moment – your stress level will spike.
So 2 to 4 projects seems to be the sweet spot. This number depends on your interest level, the mental intensity required, and the scope of each project. You’ll also gain a tremendous amount of knowledge in a short time, because each situation will have their own issues for you to resolve.
If possible, try to include some variety, to really double-down on your learning. And it’s boring to do the exact same thing over and over.
The takeaway
Don’t spread yourself too thin and overcommit to clients. To determine your ideal number, start with 1 and slowly increase them until you feel your mind and body pushing back.