Many issues with your Salesforce project can be avoided by applying a simple test, before commiting to the project.
This test is performed during the sales call, while your potential client is introducing themselves and the project. About halfway through the conversation, ask yourself, “Can I see myself having a meal with this person, in a non-business setting?”
If the answer is a yes, it indicates commonality and comradery. Keep talking!
If the answer is a no, strongly consider passing on the client. Abort!
Based on personal experience, the answer is a very strong indicator whether the client is a good fit for my personality and whether we’ll be able to address issues that may arise during the project.
Before using this test, most of my largest frustrations were with individuals that would have failed. Now, I thank the person for their time and don’t submit a proposal.
Admittedly, this test is challenging to apply if you absolutely need the money. But saying no to a potentially “bad” client keeps your door open for a “good” client that may be just around the corner.
The takeaway
Use the dinner date test to assess whether you and your client are a good business match. It’ll most likely help you avoid energy vampires, contract hawks, and other disasters.