There’s so much more to being a “good enough” Salesforce consultant than sitting in front of your computer. How you spend your time away from the screen, and with whom you spend it with, really counts.

Case in point. I’ve noticed you can group friends into 3 categories:

  1. Friends that give you energy
  2. Friends that don’t impact your energy
  3. Friends that take your energy

For example, I have one close friend that is highly unreliable. If he tells me he’ll be there, I won’t believe it until he shows up. But damn, once he arrives the party starts. And when he leaves, I feel revitalized!

Another not-so-close friend came over for lunch the other day. After leaving, both my partner and I went straight to bed. Yup, in the middle of the afternoon. We were exhausted! He completely drained both our energies.

To stay on the top of your consulting game, consider spending more time with friends in the first two categories, and avoid friends in the third category. Note: this doesn’t apply if your friend is temporarily draining you, perhaps because they are going through a tough time.

The takeaway
Things beyond the screen impact us while in front of the screen. As friends are a big part of our lives, selectively choosing who to spend time with and who to avoid is important.
