If the Program Architect represents the football coach, then the Solution Architect (SA) represents the quarterback.

The SA is often found in the field, beside the other players, and calling the shots. They decide and are responsible for the solution, from a functional perspective.

Collaboration with the Technical Architect is needed to confirm the proposed solution is feasible from a technical perspective.

Common responsibilities also include

  • Participate in Architecture Review Board (if applicable)
  • Participate in discovery and design sessions
  • Provide guidance and input into future state architecture
  • Understand and provide perspective on overall architecture within the larger system ecosystem

Having a pivotal role, they are found in projects of all sizes.

SA typically have 4-6 certifications, such as Admin, Platform, Sales Cloud, Service Cloud and perhaps the B2B or B2C Solution Architect.

The takeaway
In essence, the SA is the bridge between the technical team and the business team, or client. They need to speak both languages, and adapt wording based on the audience.
