This question was recently discussed in an online forum recently. To answer it, let’s look a little closer at what it means to be a Salesforce professional.

As the recent series on Salesforce roles explored, titles are given to people doing a certain type of work. If you spend most of your time developing, you’re probably a developer. If you’re mostly managing business requirements, you’re probably a business analyst.

Certifications just certify related knowledge. It proves to the world that you have a theoretical understanding of something. It doesn’t actually mean you can fufill that role.

For example, what do you call someone with 12 certs, including Application Architect, but hasn’t completed a single project? Would you trust this person to design your next project?

On the other extreme, what do you call someone with 12 years of Salesforce experience and no certs? I would argue you call them whatever role they are fulfilling. By the way, I’m living proof. I started my Salesforce career as an architect, and didn’t get my 1st cert until 7 years later.

The takeaway
If you’re fulfilling the role and responsbility of a Salesforce position, then feel free to give yourself that title. Just don’t add the word “certified” in front 🙂
