The 8th heuristic, Aesthetic and Minimalist Design, states, “Interfaces should not contain information that is irrelevant or rarely needed. Every extra unit of information in an interface competes with the relevant units of information and diminishes their relative visibility”.

This translates to the following main points:

  1. Each page should have a specific primary focus.
  2. Avoid unnecessary elements in your design.
  3. Prioritize content that supports the primary focus.

When designing in Salesforce, this can mean

  • Remembering the purpose of list views to help users find records with specific criteria. Don’t try to make them more than that.
  • Fields should have a minimum number of words. Unsurprisingly, longer labels take more time to read and understand. Usually the shorter the label, the easier it is to read (up to a point).
    • So instead of calling the field, “The Status of the Address Verification”, try “Address Verification Status”.
    • If needed, you can always add help text to explain things in further detail.
  • When designing a dashboard, group visually similar components together. If multiple components show the same type of information, use the same visual element. This reduces the “busy-ness” of a dashboard, and allows for easier digestion.

The takeaway
When designing, keep asking yourself whether the design can be simpler. Remove unnecessary information and clutter, allowing the user to focus more easily on what really matters.
