Last week I caught up with an old friend over drinks. Within Salesforce, he started as a Project Manager and recently switched to sales.

At one point, he brought up how much he preferred sales over being a PM. He could not imagine spending another minute managing people within projects. To him, sales was mostly having an empathic conversation about the needs of the prospect.

While some of his skills were transferable, not all of them were. This means leaving the safety of a comfortable position and putting yourself in a more unfamiliar position.

This kind of career change can be daunting for some, and impossible for others.

For him, it was nothing but rewarding. But it took the courage to accept a certain loss and move past it.

For me, it’s a valuable reminder that your first job doesn’t necessarily need to be your last. People are generally more adaptable than you would believe.

The takeaway
Find a position that resonates the most for you. Be aware that that position may change over the course of your career. And don’t be afraid to hunt for the best use of your current skills.
