In our daily lives, it’s sad to think that 80% of us stay in our comfort zone.

This means they would rather stay with the familiar, where things are known and effectively boring. Regular routines allow weeks to bleed into each other, and playing it safe allows you to avoid risks.

However, outside of the comfort zone is where magic happens. It’s the learning zone, where you act in the face of fear and explore the unknown.

Travel is a great way to shift outside of your comfort zone. This is one of the reasons why I became a digital nomad. I embrace the uncertainty, and fulfill my dreams.

Of course, travel isn’t the only way to push your comfort zone. Exploring a new career, starting a new relationship with someone from another culture, or planning an adventurous activity can momentarily push you as well.

Heck even learning a new non-technical skill or Salesforce certification helps.

The key is to keep pushing yourself. Keep learning. Don’t be content with the status quo. Don’t settle for less. Don’t allow your dreams to stay as dreams.

The takeaway
The more you spend in the learning zone, the more you realize that imposter syndrome is just a place you haven’t fully explored yet.
