Psst, did anyone ever tell you? There are more than one Salesforce freelancers. And there are more than one Salesforce agency. Shocking, isn’t it?!

So when a client is considering hiring you or your team, what sets you apart from all the others?

Some ineffective answers are:

  • Our client ratings (they are often skewed, and don’t often reflect reality)
  • Our number of certifications (doesn’t represent actual knowledge and experience)
  • Our commitment to working hard (who doesn’t already offer this?)

If you don’t know the answer to this question, a great place to start is by asking your existing clients.

Most would frame the question by asking something like, “Hello client, what do you like about my/our service?”. While this can provide some insights, consider framing the question as a negative. “Hello client, what’s one thing you don’t ever want me to stop?”

Using negative language invokes loss aversion. People are more afraid of losing something they already have than gaining something they don’t have. So their answers will be more useful.

The takeaway
Find out what makes you different from your competitors by asking your clients. When you see a repeating trend, use their words in your marketing. That’ll really make you stand out.
