Let’s imagine you’re drafting a proposal to a potential client. You’ve discovered their needs and their budget and are now writing the three options.

Since option 1 or 2 should include everything the client needs, what should option 3 include?

In short, this is the place for you to add extra value. To go above and beyond their needs and tap into their unanticipated wants.

Here are some suggestions to include in option 3

  • A 6 month support package
  • Weekly office hours for the next 3 months
  • Strategic advising for 3 months
  • Technical debt analysis
  • User experience analysis
  • Mobile app customization

Of course, if the purpose of the proposal is for one of these items, they should appear in option 1 and 2. Otherwise, these are all things the client may not have thought of, but may truly benefit from.

The takeaway
Option 3 allows you to really improve the client’s situation. To deliver exceptional service and exceed expectations.
