Vision is about the art of the possible. There are three main components to focus on.

1. Business Goals

Too many agencies focus on the wrong problem to solve. They focus on the inputs instead of the outputs. The number of hours something will take instead of what are the business goals. For example, are you here to build an Experience Cloud or to improve relationships with clients? These goals may overlap, but they are actually quite different.

2. Strategies & Tactics

Once you’ve agreed upon the goals, you can start building strategies and tactics to reach them.
In a real world example, if your goal is to cross a river, you may consider swimming, rowing a canoe, or cruising in a jet ski. If your goal is to cross the ocean, you’ll probably need different tactics.

3. Future States

An investment in technology is not something you do once and then stop. It’s a constant iteration of improvement to reach new business goals. Having a plan for when and how to address new goals is an equally important step to keep the process running smoothly indefinitely.

The takeaway
When your team has a vision, you know in which direction to go. You also know where to avoid and when not to get distracted by things that won’t lead you to your destination.

The path may not be always clear, and it definitely won’t be straight, but you’ll know when you’ve arrived.
