When you decide to specialize in a specific industry or Salesforce Cloud, you encourage yourself to learn your domain better.

The more you learn about your domain, the better you become. It’s a positive feedback loop that guides you towards mastery.

So even if you don’t start off as the expert in your chosen domain, you’ll advance your knowledge and your career in that direction over time. You’ll learn from fellow domain experts and will naturally grow in popularity. Knowing this should help you shake off any nerves about not already being an expert before niching.

You could even consider it an experiment. Try niching down for a few months and see how it goes. If it’s rewarding, great, you’re on the right track. If you’re faulting, then perhaps it’s best to pivot to another domain.

Either way, you’re learning about yourself and your place in the vast sea of Salesforce. (This is the last reference to fish for this series, I promise)

The takeaway
As I’ve mentioned before, the Salesforce ecosystem is too vast to be good at everything. You will benefit in multiple ways from picking a niche and calling it your own.
