Another sales tactic that works really well as an independent Salesforce consultant is to assume the sale.
What this means is, talk to your prospective client as though you’ve already won the deal. This allows you to change the frame of the conversation to one in which you are already working with the client.
For example, instead of saying, “If you choose me as your provider, I can start next month”, say, “When you choose me as your provider, we can get started next month.”
Another example. Instead of saying, “That sounds like an interesting challenge! If I get the project, when do you want me to start?”, try, “That sounds like an interesting challenge! When can we get started?”
Notice I’m often replacing the words “I” and “you” with “we”. Using “We” frames the conversation to one in which we are already a single team, and not two parties.
The takeaway
Using wording that assumes the sale shows you have confidence in yourself and your ability to successfully deliver the project. Using the word “we” strengths that message.