You probably work with Salesforce on a daily basis. At least on a weekly basis. So you are very familiar with the navigation, where to go to find things, and even how to update things.
Users are not you. They might login daily, but it might only be yearly. And this is an important consideration.
Thus you can group users into novices and experts.
Novices need constant help and in-app guidance. Once they perform an action, they may not recall what to do next. So the more hints you offer (i.e. using messages), the more they will be thankful.
Experts already know their way around. They don’t want to click unnecessary buttons, or have to jump through hoops to get to their desired outcome. They want to get in and done as fast as possible.
The takeaway
When designing Salesforce, it’s a good idea to consider both types of users. Be sure there’s enough help and direction for the novices, without slowing down the experts.