They say the shift from 0 to 1 is harder than from 1 to 2, or any greater number.

Let’s say you’re a full-time Salesforce employee with ambitions to start your own business. You may be working on several projects at the same time, but you don’t own any of them. So your independent consulting business has 0 clients.

How do you obtain your 1st client? This topic might end up being a series of emails, so let’s focus on some high-level thoughts to start.

  1. You need to be ready to invest your time towards your business. Working a full-time job and moonlighting after hours can be physically and emotionally draining. If you have personal commitments or a family, they need to be aware and support this decision.
  2. Your contract with your employer needs to allow you to work outside. Some companies try to prevent this conflict of interest, so double-check to see whether you are legally allowed to proceed.
  3. You need to start marketing yourself as an independent. This is easier if you specialize in something, rather than be a generalist.
  4. When talking to potential clients, they need to know you are only available part-time. This usually isn’t a problem on smaller projects, but it’s important you set realistic expectations.

The takeaway
Working for yourself can be immensely rewarding.

Finding your 1st client can be challenging, as you’re navigating a sea of firsts. But once you’ve closed your 1st client, you’ll notice finding your 2nd client becomes easier.
