Adoption is one of the most important criterias for a successful Salesforce implementation.

Given this, here are a few ways to improve adoption.

Find your champions
Champions are future users that will influence others to your cause. It helps to have a combination of positive champions and negative champions. The former are those who believe the project is needed and will be helpful. The latter are skeptical about the project.

Negative champions are actually more impactful, because if you can convince them, you’ll be able to convince everyone else.

Build excitement
End users should be excited about the upcoming changes. This starts with them being aware of the project and understanding the positive influence it will have in their lives.

Remember, you’re building Salesforce to make users’ life easier, not more difficult. They need to truly believe this.

Elicit feedback
No one likes to be dumped into a project with a take-it-or-leave-it approach. So let users know they have a way to provide feedback and make requests. Make sure it’s a clear and simple process. Make sure to respond to each feedback, regardless of whether you actually implement it or not.

The takeaway
Remember, people resist change. The more they understand the positive impact the project will have, the more likely they will actually adopt the change.
