As a Salesforce consultant, you’re most likely going to work with a team. Lone wolves are few and far between these days.

For example, in the build phase of a project, it’s typical to be paired up with an architect, some devs, some admins, along with an analyst and a project manager.

With all these individuals involved, do you always know your precise role and responsibilities?

A “good enough” consultant will know that lanes aren’t always respected. Some people want to contribute more than their share, while others will offer less. And that’s OK.

It’s alright to blur the lines a little, as long as,

  1. The team has a common goal. If you’re all aligned with the destination and the major milestones needed to get there, does it really matter if not every technical decision is proposed by the architect?
  2. It’s clear on who’s accountable for each decision. Although the architect may not propose everything, they need to consent and ultimately be responsible for the outcome.
  3. Respect and trust are part of everyone’s fabric. There isn’t an “I” in “team”.

The takeaway
Knowing where you fit with the rest of your team is important. Knowing who is responsible and accountable is critical. Being courteous is necessary.
