How I work: Do good

When I graduated from McGill University with a Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering, there was a ceremony. It’s called the iron ring ceremony. It’s only performed in Canada and all students who graduate with an engineering degree attend.

The entire ceremony is secret, but there are a few things I can share with you.… Read the rest

How I work: LinkedIn sales funnel

I’m slowly building this email list. The idea is to eventually reduce working on Salesforce projects and focus on coaching. It’s a long term goal, but one I started thinking about two years ago.

To gain readers, do the following:

  1. I occasionally share these emails with LinkedIn
  2. If it does well, I receive a lot of connection requests
  3. I accept all requests, and message each person with the following:

Thanks for connecting!… Read the rest

How I work: Finding Salesforce projects

One of the largest challenges when working for yourself is being a complete business. You cannot just be a Salesforce architect. You also need to be a marketing team, a sales team, a finance department, and a support team all in one.… Read the rest

How I work: Salesforce projects

Being an independent Salesforce architect, there’s only so much I can do in a week. This means I spend most of my time advising and consulting clients, rather than doing implementation work. This means clients are usually paying for access to my expertise.… Read the rest

How I work: Managing schedules and multi-tasking

There are three apps that I rely on for everyday work.

The 1st is Workona, which is a Chrome extension. It allows me to create a space for each client. So if I’m working on Client A’s project, and need to quickly switch to Client’s B’s project, it takes me two clicks.… Read the rest

How I work: Email labelling details

Another reader asked how they can efficiently use labels or turn emails into action items. These are great questions.

I use a label for each client, and a general label called “Clients” for prospects and other client-related emails. I set up Gmail filters to automatically add the label based on the sender or subject.… Read the rest

How I work: Calendar automation details

A number of readers were very interested in more details about the personal and business calendar sync.

Using a Make scenario, only personal events scheduled between M-F from 9am to 5pm are synced to my business calendar. So it’s a one-way sync.… Read the rest

Introduction to the “How I work” series

As you may know, I do more than one thing. At the moment, I do the following

  1. Advise and consult on Salesforce projects for nonprofits
  2. Design, implement, and support a Salesforce app for nonprofits
  3. Coach Salesforce consultants
  4. Send emails 5 days a week
  5. Host a weekly podcast

Several readers have asked how a single person can multitask so efficiently.… Read the rest