I’ve seen this situation far too many times. Regardless of how well you plan, regardless of how much time you allocate for UAT, it still happens.
That’s right. The client promises to test your Salesforce project when called upon. They positively respond to all your communications about it, what is expected of them, and how you’ll tirage their feedback.
And they will perform a “decent” effort to test. Perhaps 20% of the users will only login and another 20% will actually click some buttons. But the remaining 60% won’t.
Exceptions always exist of course, but they are exceptions, not the norm.
So true testing ends up happening in production. That’s the first and only time when 100% of the users will actually use what you built.
As long as you plan for this, as long as you know the repercussions, you’ll be fine. Just don’t expect anything less.
The takeaway
The real show begins when you’ve deployed to prod. So have your implementation and/or support team ready for the influx of feedback.