On my podcast last week, I interviewed Ben Duncombe.

Ben is a Salesforce recruiter, helping people find their ideal jobs in the ecosystem. He also hosts a podcast and a TV show about Salesforce. He was born in London and moved to Australia several years ago.

It was a pleasure hearing his perspective on the global Salesforce market, including

  • How working with Salesforce is a like having a world passport
  • Is it worth it to become a Certified Technical Architect (CTA)
  • How people from various backgrounds can shift to the ecosystem
  • How Salesforce beginners can get ahead

Since I believe this conversation would be interesting to you, dear reader, I thought to share it. Listen now at https://agentsofnonprofit.com/podcast/unlocking-global-opportunities-exploring-salesforce-recruitment-and-careers-with-ben-duncombe

The takeaway
Sometimes we forget Salesforce is a global phenomenon. Sometimes it’s good to hear how the market is doing from a recruiter’s point of view.
