Before conducting any technical meeting with the client, how are you sure you’re prepared? And, is the rest of your team aware of the context?

Let’s imagine a Salesforce partner that just started working with a new client. The project is in the design phase, and there are tons of questions that need to be answered.

Any pre-work that you can do before the meeting will save everyone’s time. This means if you have 30 questions, but you can reasonably guess 15 of them, then do it.

It’s a better use of everyone’s time if you review your guesses rather than decide on the spot and from scratch.

Don’t forget we humans have a limit to how many decisions we can make in a day. Reduce this effort as much as possible with some simple assumptions.

Also, at the end of the meeting, always thank the client for their time. Show them you appreciate the time they took out of their day to answer your questions.

The takeaway
Consider the client’s time as more valuable than your own. Your main focus is the project, but the client probably has normal day-to-day operations to attend to in addition to this project.
