When you’re delivering a Salesforce project, you’re probably using a form of agile methodology. It’s the popular kid these days.

Work is usually migrated from a Development (DEV) sandbox to a Quality Assurance (QA) sandbox every two weeks. Towards the end of the sprint, you’ll probably want to demonstrate to the client what was done in that sprint.

This means a few things:

  1. You don’t actually have two weeks to develop and migrate. You have two weeks minus the number of days to migrate and test, and minus a day for the demo. This is an important consideration as you plan for the sprint.
  2. You need to test the work in QA before the demo. In addition to eating up more time, you’ll need to resolve any defects quickly.
  3. Documentation needs to be updated, which is easier if you’re doing something fancy with DevOps. Either way, the user story needs to be modified.
  4. The client will probably have feedback. Managing this feedback is another topic, but it’s important to mention it here because it will impact your next sprint.
  5. You need good test data. Using “Test Test” as a contact name won’t have the same impact as “John Wick” or “Luke Skywalker”. Just be sure names are appropriate.

The takeaway
Two weeks sprints are not actually two weeks; they are more like 1.5 weeks. Keep this in mind during the sprint planning.
