There are three main ways to host a podcast:

  1. You are the only host and do all of the talking
  2. You have a co-host, or two, and have conversations amongst yourselves
  3. You are the host, and you interview others

Some people mix and match, but one of these ways is usually the most applied. As I’m not generally a very talkative person, I elected for option 3.

Now, the main challenge in organizing such a podcast is finding guests. But after 2.5 years and 140 episodes, I have found a secret method.

Following the recording of an episode, I ask the guest to recommend 1 or 2 people they believe would be a good guest speaker. After a good conversation, most people are happy to oblige.

I also provide them with this email template they can use to invite others:

Connecting {FirstName} and Alex

Hello {FirstName},

I was recently a guest on the nonprofit podcast, “Agents of Nonprofit”. Alex was an awesome host and we had a fun and casual conversation.

I thought of you as a potential guest for the show, so I’m connecting the both of you and will let you continue the conversation!

The takeaway
If you’ve ever thought about hosting a podcast but was concerned about finding guests, simply ask your guests for referrals.
