Things that happen in the world aren’t intrinsically good or bad. It’s our perception of them that makes them good or bad.
People often have a scarcity mindset, which generally focuses on taking and being self-serving. Others have an abundance mindset, which is about giving and sharing.
Here are the some differences between the two:
Scarcity | Abundance |
That’s mine to do | I’m happy to share the responsibility |
We have to do everything | Focuses & delivers on 1-2 key things |
It’s about me and my team | It’s about the end user |
Exhibits siloed behavior | Works in collaboration across teams |
My way is the best way | Open to ideas of others |
I bring value with what I known | I bring value sharing what I know |
Don’t take a slice of my pie | There’s more pie than we can eat |
Thinks small and avoids risk | Thinks big and embraces risk |
I need to tell you everything | I’ll share what matters most |
Which mindset would you rather have?
Which one do you believe will allow you to be a better Salesforce consultant?
The takeaway
Mindset is a choice. So choose wisely.