Yesterday, during a discovery session, my client demoed their existing five web portals.

The goal of the meeting was to understand the client’s current state. In the near future, I will  estimate the amount of work needed to replicate the portal’s data model, functionality, and security in Salesforce. Experience Cloud will definitely be used.

The meeting was 1.5 hours long, and one person presented and spoke for 90% of the time. It was a massive dump of information. As usual, the session was recorded, because there was no way for anyone to absorb so much information in one sitting.

After each portal presentation, I made sure to thank the presenter. It’s a small but important gesture to acknowledge the effort they make.

At the end of the session, I thanked them again. This time, I spent longer with the thanks, to really underline my gratitude. I also shared how impressed I was with the work put into the portals over the last 10 years.

I’ve noticed this little gesture goes a long way. The client feels heard and provides them with a sense of collaboration.

The takeaway
Whenever possible, thank your client. You’ll be surprised how much they appreciate it.
