I bet you think this email will be about Salesforce flows, eh? Well, it’s not. Instead it’s about flow state.

According to Wikipedia, “Flow state theory suggests that when individuals are in a state of flow, they experience deep immersion, focus, and intrinsic motivation in their activities.”

Today I experienced this from 2pm to 1am. I was working so intensely that I almost forgot to

  • Eat
  • Go to the bathroom
  • Write this email

It’s a good thing I showered as soon as I woke up, else that would have been on the list too, lol.

Being in flow is remarkably odd. You don’t notice the passage of time, and you’re able to focus for long periods of time. In an age where most people have a 5 second attention span, this feels great.

To achieve flow state,

  • You need to care about what you are doing
  • The task can’t be too easy or too challenging
  • It should be about something you are good at
  • You should be focused on the journey, not the outcome

The takeaway
Being in the flow state is like a type of meditation. And once you experience it once, you’ll want to repeat the occurrence as often as possible.
