So, how much ya got?

Let’s imagine you’re talking to a potential client. They passed the dinner date test and you’re in the middle of asking them all types of questions to understand their current situation and desired outcome.

Do you ever ask them how much their budget is?… Read the rest

What’s your differentiator?

Psst, did anyone ever tell you? There are more than one Salesforce freelancers. And there are more than one Salesforce agency. Shocking, isn’t it?!

So when a client is considering hiring you or your team, what sets you apart from all the others?… Read the rest

Getting signoff from an inexperienced client

I’m currently working with a client that has some technical knowledge, but without any Salesforce experience.

In today’s working session, my colleague updated a field mapping document with the client. The document describes the mapping from the legacy table and field to the upcoming Salesforce object and field.… Read the rest

Choosing your own direction

I had a call with a new coaching student today. He brought up multiple topics, but the one that really caught my attention was about career direction.

For context, he’s currently a partner at a boutique Salesforce agency. He manages a few subcontractors, works very long hours, and is relatively unhappy about his effective hourly rate.… Read the rest

Are you a curious person?

When you started your Salesforce career, you were probably overwhelmed at first. There’s a megaton of information to absorb, and sometimes it can feel like too much.

But bit by bit, you eventually found your way. And adopting a curious mindset can really accelerate your learning.… Read the rest

18 apps to rule them all

There was a recent conversation in a Salesforce Slack community about which tools and applications independent consultants use.

When you’re not billing by the hour, being efficient is important. Various tools and apps can make a significant difference.

If you’re billing by the hour, why even buy a faster computer?… Read the rest

The only real testing is in production

I’ve seen this situation far too many times. Regardless of how well you plan, regardless of how much time you allocate for UAT, it still happens.

That’s right. The client promises to test your Salesforce project when called upon. They positively respond to all your communications about it, what is expected of them, and how you’ll tirage their feedback.… Read the rest

Use the client’s time efficiently

Before conducting any technical meeting with the client, how are you sure you’re prepared? And, is the rest of your team aware of the context?

Let’s imagine a Salesforce partner that just started working with a new client. The project is in the design phase, and there are tons of questions that need to be answered.… Read the rest

High-level first, then low-level

Yesterday I was in a meeting with a client, and one of my team members was hosting the working session.

There were a handful of people on our team and another handful on the client side. Some were technical people, others not so much.… Read the rest

Calling a screen flow from a list view

Not surprisingly, there are tons of articles and videos about how to invoke a screen flow from a custom button on a list view. What is surprising is how nearly all of them are incomplete.

To bring you up to speed, to invoke a screen flow from a list view, you need to create a list button instead of an action.… Read the rest

Welcome to 2025

And we are back! Welcome to 2025, my dear reader.

I’ve already started the year poorly by sending this email at the 11th hour. But that’s what happens when you get distracted by trying to catch up on tons of emails.… Read the rest

Seasonal break with gratitude

I was planning to continue writing these emails until Friday before taking a much needed break. It turns out, I need the break more than I thought.
So today will be the last email until Jan 6th, 2025.

During the break, I plan to spend most of the time with family and close friends.… Read the rest

The journey to mastery

Mastery isn’t a straight and consistent path. It won’t even be the same path taken by anyone else.

This is because time keeps moving forward. With time progressing, random circumstances are constantly introduced. They say you never step into the same river twice, and that’s because of the flow of time.… Read the rest

Alternatives for multi-value picklists

No one really seems to enjoy multi-value picklists (MVPs). Like many things in the ecosystem, while it seems great in theory, it adds complications in practice. Even Salesforce recently added a warning message before you create one.

So what are the alternatives to MVPs?… Read the rest

Recap of Agentforce World Tour Toronto 2024

Today was the Agentforce World Tour in Toronto, and I wish I had a recap for you.

Let’s start at the beginning. I was prepared for a long day. The flight from Montreal departed at 6.45am and arrived in Toronto around 8.30am.… Read the rest

When clients can’t articulate, let their data do the talking

My colleague is getting more and more frustrated with his immovable client. They simply don’t want to, or are incapable of, articulating their requirements.

He and I discussed the issue, and came up with a novel approach.

The client loves their existing system, so why not start there?… Read the rest

Head first, into the storm

The bison is an animal of the bovine family. It’s related to the buffalo, and found in North America and Europe.

A cool fact about bison is how they handle snow storms.

Most people, when faced with an oncoming storm, would probably turn and run away from it.… Read the rest

Wow, that’s a big elephant

The expression “the elephant in the room” refers to a significant issue or problem that is obvious but is being ignored by those involved.

The metaphorical elephant occupies a lot of space in the room, but people simply ignore it. This is because they perceive that talking about the elephant is worse than pretending it doesn’t exist.… Read the rest

Asking for the “no”

Let’s say you have a client that loves to avoid commitment. This happens when the decision maker isn’t in the room or no one wants to take responsibility for approving the design.

The first symptom of this problem is that no one provides valuable feedback.… Read the rest

Invoking engagement during client demos

Imagine you have a client that’s not really invested in the Salesforce project. They might have been told they need to use Salesforce, or they are reluctant to change. Either way, they don’t really want it.

My colleague is going through this exact experience right now.… Read the rest

Please don’t ram Salesforce down my throat

A colleague of mine was discussing an issue he has with a new Salesforce client.

During meetings, the client doesn’t respond to most questions. They don’t seem to want to understand business requirements, agile, sprints, sign offs, etc. In fact, they show very little interest in the project at all.… Read the rest

Winner of the 2024 giveaway

It looks like this year’s reward was not very motivating for you. Since the giveaway was announced, only 3 people referred others 🙁

Don’t worry, I won’t take this personally. I bet you were just super busy and forgot about it.… Read the rest

Handling the point of no return, part 3: what to do

So you’re past the point of no return (PPNR) in your Salesforce project. This is despite the fact that you’re working with a good client and your contract doesn’t mention this predicament.

Here are a few options to consider:

Just finish the project
We know it’s common for a client to try and add scope to a project.… Read the rest

Handling the point of no return, part 2: contract

Several years ago, I fundamentally changed the way I do business. As such, my perception of business and client relationships have changed as well.

To this end, my contracts are very basic. I don’t like to spell out everything that will be done, and the penalties if things go wrong, as it feels petty for my tastes.… Read the rest

The benefits of meditation

Being able to achieve a deep focus and to have a strong concentration are valuable skills for Salesforce consultants.

These skills, like any other, can be cultivated. You may not be very good at them today, but you can teach yourself to become better

One fantastic way to start this process of growth is to meditate.… Read the rest